Icki, (born in London UK ), is a Digital Artist whose journey of expression formed with the technological art movement alongside the adoption of ‘digital provenance.’ Icki operated commercially within the 3D domain before exploring innovative display mediums including holographic installation and augmented reality. His work, a blend of traditional minimalism and conceptual art found a natural home within the digital art domain. Icki states digital minimalism is neither Minimalist nor Conceptual art. ‘Meta-art’ does not conform to the same rules as traditional Art.’ His first series of work ‘Plagiarism’ explored what digital art is and how provenance and a new world valuation model treats infringement and copycat culture. The title work ‘Meta-Plagiarism’ was recently exhibited alongside Andy Warhol at the Contemporary Calgary. Icki is also a founding member of the ‘Bloom Collective’ whose primary objective is to support the adoption narrative across digital and traditional art domains.
Icki Tosswan, Plagiarism series, 2021, ©️Icki Tosswan